18916979144 info@yaleedus.com
工作时间:周一至周六 9:00-18:00 , 周日 9:00-15:00









*Nature Medicine,1区,IF32.62


*Journal of the American College of Cardiology,1区,IF16.83

*Circulation Research,1区,IF15.21


*Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,2区,IF9.50

基金项目(Report of Funded Projects

AHA New York State Affiliate, Inc. Principal Investigator

Grant # 950321

"Mechanisms of Myocyte Cell Death in the Infarcted Aging Heart"

April 1997 – March 1999


Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International Principal Investigator "Angiotensin II-Dependent Diabetic Cardiomyopathy"

April 2000 – March 2002


NIH R01 HL-65573 Principal Investigator

"IGF-1 and the Diabetic Heart"

June 2001 – May 2006


NIH R01 HL-075480 Principal Investigator “Cardiac Stem Cell Growth, Aging and Death”

April 2004 – March 2009


NIH P01 AG-023071 Project Leader

“Cellular and Molecular Phenotype of Myocardium-Regenerating Stem Cells”

April 2008 – June 2012


NIH P20 HL101866 Co-Investigator

“Cardiac Progenitor Cell Therapy for Advanced Ischemic Cardiomyopathy”

May 2010-April 2012


NIH R01 HL-065573 Principal Investigator

“Cardiac Stem Cells and Diabetic Cardiomyopathy”

August 2007 – August 2012


NIH R01 HL-039902 Principal Investigator

“Identification of a Coronary Vasculature Progenitor

(Multi-PI Grant)

Cell in Human Ischemic Heart Failure”

October 2007 – September 2012


NIH R01 HL-65577 Co-Investigator

“Bone Marrow and Cardiac Progenitor Cells

in Cardiac Repair”

October 2006 – September 2013


NIH P01 HL-092668 Project Leader (component of “Depletion of Vascular and Myocardial

a Program Project Grant)

Niches Conditions Heart Failure”

July 2008 – June 2013


NIH P01 HL-092668 Core Leader (component of “Cell Culture Core”

a Program Project Grant) 5

July 2008 – June 2013


NIH R01 HL-105532 Principal Investigator

“Redefining Human Myocardial Biology”

December 2010-November 2013


NIH R01 HL-111183 Principal Investigator

“Cardiac Stem Cells and Angiomyogenesis”

September 2011-August 2013

5.pngDr. Adam

Dear Researcher.

As a regular reviewer of many top-level journals, I have read numerous manuscripts from authors in China, Japan, and other countries where English is not their native language. Unfortunately, while the academic research performed by these authors is remarkable and interesting, the English writing is often so poor that it makes the text difficult to read and understand. As a result, many of these manuscripts were rejected flatly, although their academic achievements deserve to be published. To the best of my knowledge, many of my colleagues have had similar experiences when reviewing articles. To put it plainly, this is unfair, and I feel compelled to do something to help these authors.

In this context, together with my colleagues in the US and UK, I seek to establish WOSCI, a professional editing service devoted to assist ESL authors publish their achievements. Thankfully, upon conveying my ideas to my friends and colleagues in the academic community, many of whom are professors and chief investigators of research projects funded by national agencies, they uniformly showed immense interest in this cause and instantly expressed their willingness to be a part of our service. Moreover, they volunteered to recommend their friends and colleagues to join us. As a result, we quickly built a team of over 1,000 editors, spanning a broad variety of disciplines, including medicine, biology, chemistry, materials, and environmental science. The involvement of so many experienced professionals guarantees the superlative quality of our service. In addition to language editing, WOSCI mobilizes its expert resources across the globe to provide other unrivalled academic solutions to science propagation, publication assessment, and online-learning. Through all these endeavors, we are committed to improving the academic and professional influence of colleges, research institutions, academic communities, enterprises, government agencies, and individuals.

Along with an excellent grasp of academic English, many of our editors are regular reviewers for various journals, including some even serving on the editorial committees of prestigious journals. For example, Dr. Immanuel was once the executive editor of the journal Current Drug Delivery, while Dr. Sam was formerly an editorial member of the journal Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. Dr. Kyle was even the editor-in-chief of Journal of Supercomputing.  Hence, when we edit your manuscripts, we will not only improve its English proficiency, but also critically review and provide comments concerning how to further improve the presentation of your research achievements. All of this is done to ensure that your English writing will be free of criticism from journal reviewers and ultimately maximize your chance of being published.

Science should not be limited by language barriers. I, alongside my professional colleagues, am always here and ready to work on your important manuscripts.


Dr. Adam,

Director of WOSCI 
